October is Orthodontic Health Awareness Month: 5 Health Benefits of Orthodontics

September 27, 2017



October is Orthodontic Health Awareness Month! According to the American Academy of Orthodontics, “Straight teeth not only look good, they also give you a good bite…so it’s easier to bite, chew, and speak.” That means receiving proper care from an AAO orthodontist won’t just make you more confident about your smile, it can improve your health too.

In honor of this month, and to help you see how proper care can improve your wellbeing, here are five health benefits of orthodontics.

  1. Head, Neck, and Shoulder Pain Relief

Did you know that imbalances in your mouth can have a negative impact on other parts of your body? It’s true.

Misaligned teeth can cause anything from chronic headaches to tooth grinding to neck and shoulder pain, all of which may be relieved by treatment by an orthodontist. TMJ-related discomfort can often be alleviated with orthodontic treatments as well, making it a suitable alternative to more invasive procedures in many cases.

  1. Better Sleep

Issues with tooth and jaw alignment can also disrupt a person’s sleep, leaving them tired and unable to focus. Whether it’s the discomfort associated with bruxism (teeth grinding) that keeps them awake or exacerbation of conditions like sleep apnea, correcting alignment issues can relieve these problems, allowing you to sleep better at night.

Orthodontic treatment can also improve sinus issues, opening up constricted airways. Not only can this help you get a better night’s sleep, but it can also make it easier to breathe during the day as well.

  1. Improved Oral Hygiene

When your teeth are crowded, food particles and bacteria are more likely to become trapped between the surfaces, putting your oral health at risk. Teeth that are properly aligned are easier to keep clean, helping to decrease your risk of cavities or periodontal disease. Additionally, it makes it simpler for your El Paso dentist and hygienist to provide a thorough cleaning during your exams, helping to keep your mouth healthier.

  1. IBS Symptom Improvement

Conditions like IBS can be aggravated when food isn’t properly chewed before swallowing. Misalignment of the teeth can make it harder to eat, making digestive issues more intolerable. Orthodontic treatment can align your bite, improving the way you chew food. And this can help alleviate IBS symptoms or, at least, decrease their severity.

  1. Self-Esteem Boost

Having straight teeth can make you more confident in your smile, helping you feel more comfortable in social situations and improving your self-esteem. It also means you’re less likely to suppress a smile over concerns about your teeth, which can be a boon for psychological health.

In celebration of Orthodontic Health Awareness Month, consider scheduling an appointment with your El Paso dentist today. Your whole body will thank you.